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Market Access

The pricing and reimbursement in the pharmaceutical industry becomes increasingly challenging lately as it turns to the more regulated aspect of a cost-effectiveness approach.

Field-based, market access is about being able to understand the changing national healthcare environment, evaluate its impact on your commercial strategy and adapt it to the upcoming changes in a timely manner.

But only by having a very clear overview of your product’s actual position in the National Healthcare System can you draw the strategy that will work best for your business.

This requires the capture and interpretation of market intelligence and, in parallel, an in-depth knowledge of the requirements of the national reimbursement bodies/authorities. And this is exactly our role in this challenging process.

Despite the variety of impediments that may arise during a product's access to the market, we have the tools to identify, through field-based research, the potential challenges and give you all the pivotal information that will drive your market access strategy to success.